Mike's Records, a listing of BBC Video 2000 anything_else

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BBC Video 2000 list of anything_else

Below is a BBC Video 2000 list of anything_else on the site.

BBC Video 2000

Video 2000 (also known as V2000, with the tape standard Video Compact Cassette, or VCC) is a consumer videocassette system and analogue recording standard developed by Philips and Grundig to compete with JVC's VHS and Sony's Betamax video technologies. Designed for the PAL colour television standard (some models additionally handled SECAM), distribution of Video 2000 products began in 1979 exclusively in Europe, South Africa and Argentina and ended in 1988. Video 2000 was presented at the International Radio Exhibition in Berlin in 1979 and succeeded Philips's earlier Video Cassette Recording (VCR) format and its derivatives (VCR-LP and Grundig's SVR). Although some early models and advertising featured a mirror-image 'VCR' badge based on the older systems' logo, Video 2000 was an entirely new (and incompatible) format that incorporated many technical innovations. Despite this, the format was not a major success and was eventually discontinued, having lost out to the rival VHS system in the videotape format war.

Click on the catalogue number to view the values for each individual entry.
Catalogue number and title
BBCV 2003
Title - Doctor Who - Revenge of the Cybermen
Artist(s) - Gerry Davis
Rating: 3
BBCV 2012
Title - Doctor Who - The brain of Morbius
Artist(s) - Robin Bland
Rating: 3

Items total

There are 2 items listed.

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